Atomic Flames Productions, LLC was established in August 2024 to produce "The Pistol Pete Blues Show!" The show celebrates the rich history of Chicago Maxwell Street Blues, inspired from Pistol Pete's childhood growing up on the West Side of Chicago, two blocks from Maxwell St.Pistol Pete, aka Benjamin Newell, is a Chicago Blues icon beloved by his loyal fans. The moment you hear his incredible guitar playing and experience his charismatic personality, you'll be a fan too.

Atomic Flames Productions, LLC is a partnership between Chicago Blues Legend Pistol Pete and Chicago Designer / Blues Fan Bruce Vogele.

Pistol Pete

Pistol Pete’s explosive performances light up every stage, from packed festivals to intimate venues, blending rock, blues, funk, and jazz with masterful ease. Known for his jaw-dropping tributes to Jimi Hendrix, Pete has played alongside legends like Buddy Guy, Bo Diddley, and Joe Bonamassa. With international tours, award-winning performances, and albums that capture the soul of the blues, Pete’s music is a force of nature—raw, electric, and unforgettable.

Pete learned to play guitar from legendary Chicago Blues musicians in the 1960's and early 70's while hanging out on Maxwell St. Even as a child Pete's guitar playing stood out. At the age of 10, he landed his first gig at Eddie Shaw's 1815 Club.A testament to Chicago Blues history, "The Pistol Pete Blues Show!" is a celebration of Chicago Maxwell Street Blues, told through the eyes and experiences of a true legend.

Bruce Vogele

Bruce Vogele's creative design work has promoted countless Chicagoland businesses and his environmental design projects can be seen throughout the city. A meticulous art director, Bruce creates visually striking content to stimulate viewer reaction and participation. Through typography, color, photography, video and music, Bruce turns creative concepts into stunning realities.

As a frequent patron of the Harlem Avenue Lounge in Berwyn, Illinois, Bruce became a die-hard Pistol Pete fan seeing Pete perform live at the club on a regular basis. After talking Pete into giving him guitar lessons, Bruce and Pete bonded over a shared interest in the blues and blues history.Bruce recognized an opportunity to leverage his design skills to create a blues show around Pistol Pete. A show that featured Pete's electrifying guitar playing and educated people about the vibrant history of Chicago Maxwell Street Blues.

The Pistol Pete Blues Show is in production and we are finishing up our first two music videos: "Juke Joint" and "Pork Chop Sandwich." Both songs written by Pistol Pete.The first episode is called "The Banjo Show" and features world-renowned banjo player Michael J. Miles on "Pisgah" fretless banjo and Chicago's own Bill Brickey on acoustic guitar. "The Banjo Show" includes five new original songs by Pistol Pete, discussions with Michael on the history of the banjo and the blues, and much much more!"The Banjo Show" is our first show because the banjo was a, if not THE, instrument that started the blues. Banjo great Gus Cannon popularized the early blues with his jug bands in the 1920's and 30's. Gus got his start playing in the Mississippi Delta and then later in Memphis, Tennessee.Be sure and visit: to see the latest videos. Sign up for The Jam Club so you can follow the video drops and when our first event is scheduled.

What a great idea! Build a Pistol Pete blues guitar from scratch. Make every detail to Pete's exact specifications and embellish the look to make it crazy unique.The Pistol Pete Signature Guitar is coming soon! The image below shows the early production prototype.

The sound has to be perfect. It has to sound just as great on stage as in the recording studio. When that finished prototype gets in Pete's hands you know he is going to push that thing to its limits to make sure it sounds the way he wants it to. Once the prototype is approved by Pete we will start a limited production run and offer the guitars for sale.Please Note: this is an affordable guitar, priced under $500. Guitar players of all levels will be able to experience and include a Pistol Pete Guitar in their blues guitar journey.